Humboldt Area Arts Council |

When does my current membership expire?
Membership donations are effective for the calendar year in which they are made.
Membership in the HAAC needs to be renewed yearly.
How are my membership dollars spent?
Your membership supports the Art Center's annual fund. The annual fund directly supports everything we do at the Art Center such as: donations to the art departments of schools in Humboldt County, scholarships to graduating seniors in Humboldt County, scholarships to graduating seniors in Humboldt County, free community events like the Art Festival, supplements class instructor fees and provides free admission and refreshments to some events.
What annual activities does the Art Council provide?
Annually, we have a Community Photography Display, a Wine Tasting as the kick off to the Art Festival which is held annually in June at The Humboldt County Historical Museum. Each year we pick a theme and have a community art exhibit and reception with the items donated to our silent and live auction held in October.
Will I receive written acknowledgement of my membership for tax purposes?
All members will receive an acknowledgement and thank you postcard with your membership card mailed in January. This will serve as written acknowledgement of your charitable contribution and should be kept with your records. The Art Council does not provide any additional written acknowledgement of your charitable contribution at the end of the year or prior to tax filing deadlines.